Puppy lemon law

The Puppy Lemon Law - Are they Covered in Our State? Plenty of states now have a pet lemon law in place. These laws protect owners or consumers who have bought a sick animal. Customers can return the sick or dead animal to the place they bought it from for a refund or replacement. While these laws are defending consumers, they do nothing to protect the animals.

All About Louisiana Lemon Laws

The lemons laws in Louisiana cover a range of consumer durables as well as vehicles such as SUVs, trucks, leased cars, new passenger vehicles and vehicles under ten,000 lbs. In order to be thought about a lemon under the consumer right laws in the state of Louisiana, a vehicle ought to meet the following requirements:

Colorado Lemon Law Tips

Colorado Lemon Law Tips

If you have been dogged with vehicle issues and think that you have a lemon automobile, lemon van, or lemon motorbike, you have rights under Colorado Lemon Law, as well as under federal law. To get the best feasible settlement and the greatest compensation, however, it is very helpful to keep thorough records. When you do, you can basically show that you have followed the procedures necessary to classify your vehicle as a lemon. Here are some tips to get you started together with your Colorado lemon law case:

Lemon laws used cars

Although most everyone is aware of the lemon law as it pertains to purchasing a new automobile, lots of consumers may be surprised, and relieved, to know that the lemon law can also extend it is coverage to used cars. The used automobile lemon law, like it is counterpart, can change from state to state, but there's some basic details that will help you to select in case you qualify for this coverage.

Minnesota Lemon Law Information and Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes Annotated, 325 F.665


New motor vehicle warranties; manufacturer's duty to repair, refund, or replace.

Subdivision one


For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given them:

(a) "consumer" means the purchaser or lessee, other than for purposes of resale or sublease, of a brand spanking new motor vehicle used for personal, relatives, or household purposes at least 40 percent of the time, a person to whom the new motor vehicle is transferred for the same purposes in the coursework of the period of an express warranty applicable to the motor vehicle;

Utah Lemon Law

By understanding the true value of your claim & aggressively pursuing justice on your behalf, an Utah lemon law lawyer can help make definite that you have the chance to reach a case outcome that is best for you. The massive majority of lemon law claims are settled out of court, but sometimes it will be necessary to go through to a trial if the manufacturer basically won't cooperate. An Utah lemon law attorney ought to be willing to negotiate or to litigate in court on your behalf if this is better for your case.